Pledge Drive 2020 - GET HOPE-GIVE HOPE!
Thursday, June 25 & Friday, June 26
No doubt, 2020 has been a very challenging time. It may have affected you personally, and/or those surrounding you. With news & culture, there is so much bad news all around us. In a time where there is a lot fear, division, hopelessness, it can be overwhelming.
THE Q90.1 is here as a place of HOPE. We've consistently delivered the hope of Jesus during the good times and not so good times. Now more than ever, people are starving and seeking HOPE and GOOD NEWS! Maybe you've listened over the last several months and it's like "a breath of fresh air" for you!
Now, more than ever, we need this hope to continue strong! THE Q90.1 is having a special 2-Day Fundraiser on (Thu) June 25th and (Fri) June 26th to fund this message of hope in our community!
As you GET HOPE by listening to THE Q90.1, would you GIVE HOPE with a single gift of support to keep it going strong? Gifts of any size ($25, $50, $100, or your best)!
We'll share the exciting things God has been doing through THE Q90.1 over the last several months and give a glimpse of the exciting future!